What is Hypnotherapy?
At Family Health and Wellness, we appreciate the value of the mind-body connection and the relationship of the mind on health and happiness. We believe that the power and importance of the mind in creating a healthy life perspective is real and we encourage incorporating powerful mental imagery into the healing process.
Clinical Hypnotherapy, Guided Visualization, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming are three avenues many people have found to be helpful in realizing a more clear life and wellness path. In our clinic, patients occasionally utilize hypnotherapy, guided imagery, and nlp as an adjunct to assist them in recognizing the power of very detailed, multi-sensory (e.g. visual, auditory, and kinesthetic) imagery in achieving a desired wellness goal.
For example, these techniques have been employed by patients to successfully treat anxieties, fears, smoking cessation, weight release, pain management, stress reduction, and in lowering blood pressure. Others simply enjoy the emotional and mental renewal they gain while allowing a trained professional to assist them in locating those resource states held within their own being.
To enhance, customize, and deepen the sensory experience, brainwave entrainment, utilizing light & sound and neuro programmer stimulation, can be incorporated into the session, if the client is so inclined and are deemed suitable for the modality.
If you are intrigued by the thought of working within the realm of imagination and mind, and its import on wellness and health, call us for a complimentary consultation.